Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kreative Koncepts Sketch #31

A very good day to you! Thanks for popping in!

Just a quickie post to put up a layout I have created for the KREATIVE KONCEPTS November sketch which looks like..

and my layout which I have used an older range from Kaiser looks like..

closies first..

 lots of fussy cutting and layered up on old cardboard...

Live Fully..

Thanks for coming by.. thank you too for any comments, life is quite busy for me of late, so I appreciate it when you take a moment to say HI!


  1. WOW! look at all that fussy cutting.....totally gorgeous. Your whole page is soooooo beautiful.

  2. Those layers are so pretty !!!!!

  3. I must say, that colour is really pretty! And the way you've used that sort of 1/2 page of pp on the right....looks brill balanced against your photos on the left - fab interpretation of the sketch:):) NICE one...again:):)!!!! Hope your week is going well - we're so busy, I just don't know where the week is flying......eeeeek!!!!

  4. beyond perfection , these colors are glorious x

  5. Another great LO Lizzy,love your fussy cuts and colours.i am also busy puppy sitting so not getting much done x

  6. Your fussy cutting is always so fabulous Lizzy and I love the pretty colors of this layout too! Beautifully done! xx

  7. Beautiful layout and stunning work with the sketch.

  8. A gorgeous and adorable page...I love how tou have used the papers with fussy cutting and lots of layers, love it!!!

  9. I adore this LO and the way you have used purple!! I always struggle with this colour but you have made it look fabulous!

  10. Gorgeous Lizzy, I think you are the Queen of fussy cutting and you make working with purple look the easiest thing in the world. TFS

  11. Beautiful page...and you must be the queen of fussy cutting. You do it so well xx

  12. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Beautiful!! Living the purple shades...}

  13. Stunning Lizzy!! Gorgeous colour, stunning photo and you definitely are the Queen of fussy cutting!!! You certainly have the magic touch!! ox


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a little message.. I do appreciate it!!